MBAMP’s favorite math resources are listed below by topic.
Math games to use in with K-12 students
Look at the list of Math games to download from the Math Games section of our website.
MBAMP Professional Development
MBAMP Professional Development is a Facebook Group that brings together educators for the purpose of sharing ideas and resources. with the goal of creating a collaborative network of teachers teaching teachers in mathematics.
Cognitively Guided Instruction
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is a student-centered approach to teaching math. It starts with what your students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculum, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questions, and engaging with their thinking—all with the goal of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding.
You can find an example of CGI Instruction in the video below of MBAMP Teacher Leader Raven Graham.
Munch, Munch Math with MBAMP Teacher Leader Raven Graham
CGI Books
Book: Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, by Thomas P Carpenter Elizabeth Fennema Megan Loef Franke, Linda Levi and Susan B. Empson
Book: Extending Students’ Understanding of Fractions, by Dr. Susan Empson and Linda Levi
Book: Choral Counting & Counting Collections: Transforming the PreK-5 Math Classroom by
Number Talks
Number Talks are number sense routines designed to enhance student’s mathematical fluency. In Number Talks, (also called Math Talks or Math Chats) teachers are facilitators and step back while students engage in meaningful conversations centered around interesting mathematical problems.
There are several resources we use for these daily number sense routines:
Number Talks: Helping Children Build Mental Math and Computation Strategies, by Sherry Parish
Which One Doesn’t Belong (
Academic Language for Sharing Out
MBAMP page that lists academic language used in “sharing out“. This pedagogy is designed to build the language skills of diverse learners when learning mathematics. Academic language instruction happens along side mathematics instruction. The language for sharing out pages can be made into posters for display in the classroom, to be put on desks. You can get your students to make the posters.
Common Core State Standards
California Common Core Math Standards (PDF)
Pi Day
π -Day is observed on March 14, because of the Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes‘ first rough approximation of π as being 3.14. There is a large variety of ways of celebrating Pi Day and most of them include eating pie and discussing the relevance of π. Here are some resources that can help teachers celebrate Pi Day with their students.
Pi-Day- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Math Festivals
A Math festival is an event where students and families come together to play math games and engage in math activities. MBAMP can provide one unit of university credit for planning a math festival at your school.
How to Host a Math Festival at Your School
Math Walks
A Math walk is an opportunity to take your students out of the classroom to solve a variety of math problems related to shapes, structures and numbers in their environment.
Mathematics is a subject in which we have to create thinkers not memorizers. It is a subject that involves communication, history and literature as well as numbers.
MƒA Math Trail at the Rubin Museum of Art
Math Fiction
Checkout our book club, coming soon!