Game Websites created by MBAMP Teacher Leaders
These are games sites we know and love from our MBAMP staff
- Hujaza: Math, Games, and Learning by Kevin Deutsch
- Johnnie’s Math page by Johnnie Wilson
MBAMP’s Favorite Games
Below are links to the rules and how to play the following games:
24 Game

The 24 Game is math game in which the object is to find a way to manipulate four numbers from one to nine so that the end result is 24.
Product Game

The Product Game is a fun, interactive game that exercises your skill with factors and multiples.

In the game, certain combinations of three cards are said to make up a set. For each one of the four categories of features — color, number, shape, and shading — the three cards must display that feature as either a) all the same, or b) all different.

Blokus is the game of spatial reasoning and problem-solving, so everyone’s mind gets a workout within a stimulating block of fun.
Blast Off!

Blast Off is a game of combining the number values of 3 dice to calculate the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 , . . . 12 in that order. Players can use the operations of +, − , × , ÷
Games by Topic
Addition Facts:
- Tic-Tack Ten adding to ten video
- a+b=3,
- Blast Off directions, Blast Off game boards
- Tic Tac Sums or The Addition Game. Directions, from Youcubed
- Salude
- The 99 Game (a mental math card game)
- Kid’s Integer Card Game
- Addition Hangman
Number Sense
- Yahtzee Instructions, Yahtzee score card number sense.(3rd grade and above). Yahtzee Probability. One teacher’s thoughts about using Yahtzee in the classroom;
- Blast Off rules, Blast Off game boards
- The 24 Game--Number sense, factoring. 2nd – Algebra.
- The rules of The 24-Game using playing cards,
- PDF of a deck of 24 cards you can print and cut out.
- Watch a student made video using the 24 CARDS.
- Dominoes, subitizing, addition and subtraction (K and above).
Multiplication facts and factoring
- Factor Game rules, Factor Game Board, factoring (4th grade and above) To play on line:
- Product Game, products and factors. (4th grade and above) To play on line:
- The 24 Game--Number sense, factoring. 2nd – Algebra.
- The rules of The 24-Game using playing cards,
- PDF of a deck of 24 cards you can print and cut out.
- Watch a student made video using the 24 CARDS.
- Frac-Jac game
- Fraction-1, adding fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/12, 5/12 together to get 1. Based on Black Jack, any grade that needs practice with fast fraction sense.
- Fraction Card Games
- Four more card games, Precent, fractions, algebra , probability.
- Green Globs, a graphing game for pre-Algebra – Trig. this is a slow moving game, however it is very thought provoking, once the kids get into it.
- Hurkel, Alternate Hurkel Board, graphing, compass rose, and logic
- Behind The Wall, explaining mathematical thinking with pattern blocks.
- Read about Polyominoes (PDF), Part 1 lesson narrative for discovering Pentominoes (PDF), Part 2 pentominoes shapes (PDF) Part 3 Polyominoes lesson plan (PDF) and Part 4 lesson plan pentominoes info (PDF)